What is Project Scorpio?

//What is Project Scorpio?

What is Project Scorpio?

All the details we know so far on Microsoft’s mega-powered console.

A year ago, Microsoft announced Project Scorpio at E3, hinting at a super-powered XBOX model capable of true 4K gaming. In fact, it was touted as ‘the most powerful console ever’ at the show, despite any real proof or demos being made available. In a somewhat strange move, Microsoft also announced the Xbox One S at the same show, essentially admitting that it was a stepping point to whatever Scorpio would become. Since then, there has been little news on the mysterious new project.

In a recent series of articles by Eurogamer, the specs for Project Scorpio were revealed, and it’s safe to say that Microsoft might not be bluffing when it comes to the raw power of the machine.

  • Eight custom x86 cores @ 2.3GHz
  • Custom GPU with 40 customized compute units @ 1172MHz
  • 12GB of GDDR5 RAM
  • 1 TB hard drive

With specs that high, it’s easy to see how Microsoft is positioning itself at the exact opposite of the newly launched Nintendo Switch, which focused more on gameplay and interactions than sheer power. With projected numbers dwarfing the PS4 Slim, Microsoft sets itself up to a larger range of PC quality games, including the emerging market of VR titles. Microsoft has already said that the console will support it’s Mixed Reality headsets, but no official statement on full VR support for systems like the Oculus Rift has been made.

One important message touted by Microsoft is that the new Scorpio console, in whatever shape it takes, will play games that run on both Xbox One and Xbox One S. Phil Spencer, Head of Xbox, stated at E3 that the Scorpio console will also upscale these games to higher resolutions and better frame rates, bringing existing titles closer to the quality expected for the new machine. This comes as a relief to current owners, especially those who expected the Xbox One to be backwards compatible. At this time however, no confirmed titles or developers have been announced, but gamers can expect at least one or two AAA titles for launch day, geared to show off the console’s capabilities.

With no price details yet, but an announced launch date of December, 2017, gamers can expect more information and details to start appearing any day now. If the console’s functions and game support can live up to its impressive power capabilities, the Scorpio could be the console that retakes the #1 home console spot for Microsoft.


Zack Bolien

Musician. Artist. Writer. Cat wrangler.
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By | 2017-05-24T18:17:56-05:00 April 7th, 2017|Categories: Video Games|Tags: , , |0 Comments

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