What do food fights and a beast have in common? Absolutely nothing, but we’re somehow talking about both this week.
Coast 2 Coast is cowritten by Josh Rebuck.
UFC 200 has Brock Lesnar as the main draw, but Summerslam does too! Only the beast Brock Lesnar can do both, we have thoughts on that and much more.
1) Who had your favorite bit from the food fight segment on Raw?
Corey: Without a doubt Kevin Owens. That man is pure gold. Just money every time he’s on camera. I actually laughed out loud. Also you can’t forget about Titus just slapping people with what I can only assume is a sausage, Xavier Woods saying “I have a shield because I knew this would happen,” along with the arm wrestling contest between Apollo Crews and Cesaro.
Josh: Kevin Owens eating a bag of Lays potato chips underneath the table while the food fight was happening was comic gold! Honorable mention to Fandango for awkwardly gyrating while he squirted whip cream on himself.
2) Rusev defeated Titus O’Neil to retain the US title on the Raw, is this the end of this feud and who should be Rusev’s next opponent?
Corey: This is definitely the end of this feud and the fact that they have fought so many times since MITB means that there definitely won’t be a title change between them. But I would LOVE to see Sami Zayn take the title off of Rusev, but at the same time Rusev’s most recent heel work was amazing so I’m conflicted. But I’ll still stand by letting Zayn be his next opponent.
Josh: This is definitely the end of this particular feud and boy did we get some cheeky language during the blowoff match. Looks like Titus caught Rusev on the bridge of the nose with a kick and Rusev was none too pleased. Zack Ryder looks to be next in line after his win on Smackdown. It’s a good call because while I’d love to see one of the other up and comers get a shot in a big program with Rusev, Ryder has earned his spot and now is a good time to build him back up as a character before the draft takes place.
3) Will Brock Lesnar win his fight at UFC 200?
Corey: For the sake of his character I hope so. They’ve built him up as a monster and for him to lose at UFC 200 would weaken it a bit. Not to the point that he would look like a jobber or anything like that, but he would no longer look unbeatable.
Josh: I’d never claim to be a mixed martial arts expert, but I think Lesnar actually matches up very well with Mark Hunt. Hunt is primarily a striker and Lesnar is former NCAA Division I wrestling champion. Wrestlers tend to dictate where fights take place and if Lesnar can get him on the ground he should win rather handily.
4) Speaking of Lesnar, his opponent for Summerslam is Randy Orton. Is this a match we want to see?
Corey: It has a lot of potential. They both debuted the same exact year so they could definitely build from that. The only thing is Randy would have to come back as a full blown heel for this feud to work. If he does that then I can get behind this feud.
Josh: We’re getting to a place where there aren’t too many more top tier talents for Lesnar to go up against and win. Orton isn’t the guy I’d most like to see face Lesnar, that belongs to either Cesaro or Kevin Owens, but it is the safest choice. No matter the outcome of UFC 200, WWE has positioned this match to make one of these guys look strong going forward. They’ve given themselves options and that’s a good thing to have when there’s a legit fight that could somewhat derail the biggest monster character on the roster.
5) It’s The Club versus John Cena and Enzo/Cass at Battleground. Is this the right use of these talents?
Corey: With the Draft coming up I think it’s a great way to give Enzo and Cass something to do and keep them in the spotlight until the Raw and Smackdown rosters get set. I would have preferred to see Cena vs The Club more but that’s just for selfish reasons (I want #BEATUPJOHNCENA on a shirt and I want it now).
Josh: I kind of wish they would do something more with Enzo and Cass, but it makes sense. I doubt they want either AJ Styles or John Cena losing clean in a singles match before Summerslam so sticking all of these talents in a six-man tag lessens the impact of a loss no matter who has to do the honors.
Corey Stewart
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