Vegas, Acting, Arm Wrestling – An Interview with Gus Langley

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Vegas, Acting, Arm Wrestling – An Interview with Gus Langley

We sit down for a quick chat with the multi-talented Gus Langley of Pawn Stars Live! and Byerfilms.

Warning: The following interview contains explicit language. Listening discretion is advised. Enjoy!

Our complete interview can be listened to above. Below are some highlights.


What brought you to Vegas?

Gus: I was a little burned out on acting after college. I started acting when I was in second grade and I had been doing two or three shows at a time for that whole time. And you know how it is, you close a show and you have that moment of “what do I do with myself.” And that hadn’t happened in so long. I took a six-month break, I had a job offer to work at a dispensary out here … and the dispensary folded and I had to fall back on acting, which is the opposite of how that normally works.


You’ve done a couple shows in Vegas and probably most recognizable is Pawn Stars Live! How did the Pawn Stars Live! thing happen?

Gus: Somebody had this idea, let’s make a parody version of this really popular TV show. And a couple of local producers got involved and they contacted me early on because I happen to look a little like Corey Harrison and I had the vibe they were looking for … and then we caught the attention of the Pawn Stars people … and they found out we were going to do the show whether they were involved or not which you can do because of parody law and then they were like well sh*t if this going to happen I want to be involved. So those dudes got involved … and we starred in that show for a year with billboards and sh*t. My mom loved it!


Let’s talk about Byerfilms. You’ve been doing a lot of work with them recently.

Gus: I’ve been really lucky to be brought in on a lot of stuff with them. We just found out we’re going to be featured in the Las Vegas Film Festival for the second year in a row. So that’s pretty cool … I love seeing people love our stuff.


I’ve watched a couple of the things Byerfilms has done and my particular favorite is Morning Wood. We have to talk about Morning Wood!

Gus: I’m so glad you liked it! I feel anyone who is our age – give or take 15 years – had PBS and saw a bunch of shows like that back in the day. I grew up watching This Old House cause that was the only thing we got on the TV. It’s got a little bit of that and some modern behind the scenes reality TV going on. It’s a fun time.

What’s next for you?

Gus: So here’s where I’m conflicted. I’m starting to get work in LA, I’ve worked in New York, I’ve worked in Atlanta, I’ll be back in Atlanta later this year to film some movies so holler at your boy. But I want to meet more people, I want work with more people, I want to create more stuff worth watching … it’s never enough, I’m very bad at keeping myself in perspective, I constantly feel like a failure … but I think me being hard on myself is what keeps me motivated.


Hit them with your social media stuff!

Gus: Gus Langley on IMBD, verified on Facebook as Gus Langley, theguslangley on Twitter, or for people who want to get a little more intimate follow me on Instagram at gus.langley. There’s a lot of cool behind the scenes stuff on there. I’ve done some interesting stuff over the past six months that I can’t talk about yet. But keep an eye out and you’ll see.

Josh Rebuck

Originally from Pennsylvania, now residing in San Diego, California, Josh represents the western half of Coast 2 Coast. A former radio host and journalist, his interests include sports, comics, video games, and pro wrestling.
Josh Rebuck

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By | 2017-07-11T22:12:24-04:00 July 11th, 2017|Categories: Culture, Interviews|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

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